7 Steps to Properly Paint Wood Siding
Not many elements of a home have a quick enhanced visualization like its Interior and exterior painting work. A new layer of paint can decisively further develop control allure and increment the worth of your home. Wood siding routinely needs the assurance of another layer of paint or color. Contingent upon the environment in your space, hope to repaint wood siding each 3-5 years to keep up with its appearance and forestall crumbling.
Tips for a Long-Lasting Exterior Paint Finish
Assuming you’re intending to paint your home as a DIY project, picking new outside paint tones is only the beginning. Constantly and cost put resources into painting can be compromised when critical stages in planning are surged or skipped. Following these seven stages will assist with guaranteeing that your paint work looks great and is dependable.
- Clean the Exterior
Start by hosing down the siding. Assuming you utilize a strain washer, keep the tension low to abstain from harming the wood and driving water into breaks and fissure. Only water is seldom to the point of eliminating mold, buildup, and green growth development. There are various cleaning specialists available intended for wood siding. Adhere to bundle directions cautiously, wear defensive stuff, and permit the siding to dry prior to continuing to the subsequent stage completely.
- Scratch and Sand
Paint won’t stick as expected to surfaces that are breaking or stripping. Scratch free and chipping paint from the siding. Utilize a paint scrubber, keeping the edge level against the wood to try not to make gouge marks. Utilize a hand sander to streamline any unpleasant spots. A power sander can be utilized for bigger regions. Take care not to push excessively hard and leave sander marks on the siding. While scratching and sanding, you might deliver lead dust which is poisonous.
- Fill and Repair Damaged Areas
Subsequent to washing, scratching, and sanding, you will probably track down openings, dings or chips that need consideration. Fill any scratches and nail openings with either a wood or epoxy filler and sand the surface. Assuming that there are significant decay issues or huge segments of harmed siding, you might have to enlist an expert woodworker to supplant those areas. This moment is additionally a decent opportunity to address waste issues that prompt water to pool and advance decay and mold.
- Safeguard Doors, Windows, and Lights
Cover entryways, windows, and lighting apparatuses utilizing plastic sheeting and painter’s tape. Eliminate the shades so you can paint behind them. Make sure to cover arranging, walkways, carports, left vehicles, and other outside things with canvases or drop fabrics to safeguard them from Interior and exterior painting splatter and inadvertent spills.
- Apply Stain Blocking Primer
Groundwork will assist paint with sticking to the surface, giving a more uniform appearance. Utilize a preliminary while painting over new wood, exposed wood, or repainting over existing dim or splendid varieties. On the off chance that the whole surface needn’t bother with to be prepared, apply preliminary to choose regions to keep stains or different defects from seeping through the last layer of paint.
- Caulk Seams and Cracks
After the preliminary has dried, actually look at edges and joints for openings or holes. Utilize a waterproof caulk to fill holes and make a water/air proof seal to keep dampness from getting under the siding. Most experts suggest acrylic or siliconized acrylic caulk for use around windows and entryways. These caulks are workable, enduring, and simple to tidy up. Allow the caulk to set (as a rule essentially a few hours) prior to applying paint.
- Apply Exterior Paint
After all of the prep work has been finished, it’s at long last chance to paint. Most outside positions will require a mix of brushes, rollers, as well as a paint' sprayer to accomplish the best completion. Begin at the top and work down, doing the dividers first and afterward the trim and entryways. To stay away from “lap marks” on outside siding, consistently attempt to brush from one wet surface onto another wet surface. Permit the principal layer of paint to completely dry prior to applying the subsequent coat.